Frantz Fanon: el bri­llo del metal

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Gor­don, Lewis: Fanon and the Cri­sis of Euro­pean Man: An essay on phi­lo­sophy and the human scien­ces, New York, Routled­ge, 1995.

Gor­don, Lewis: What Fanon Said: A Phi­lo­sophi­cal Intro­duc­tion to His Life and Thought, Johan­nes­burg, Uni­ver­sity of the Wit­wa­ters­rand Press, 1996.

Lee, Chris­topher: Frantz Fanon: Toward a Revo­lu­tio­nary Huma­nism, Johan­nes­burg, Jaca­na Press, 2015.

Mbem­be, Achi­lle: Necro­po­li­tics, Johan­nes­burg, Uni­ver­sity of the Wit­wa­ters­rand Press, 2016.

Neo­cos­mos, Michael: Thin­king Free­dom in Afri­ca: Towards a theory of eman­ci­pa­tory poli­tics, Johan­nes­burg, Uni­ver­sity of the Wit­wa­ters­rand Press, 2016.

Sek­yi-Otu, Ato: Fanon’s Dia­lec­tic of Expe­rien­ce, Cam­brid­ge, MA, Har­vard Uni­ver­sity Press, 1996.

Sek­yi-Otu, Ato: Left Uni­ver­sa­lism, Afri­ca­cen­tric Essays, New York, Routled­ge, 2019.

Shar­pley-Whi­ting, Tra­cey: Frantz Fanon: Con­flicts and Femi­nisms, Lanham, Roman & Little­field, 1998.

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