La sen­ten­cia del Caso Bate­ra­gu­ne es denun­cia­da internacionalmente

Artícu­los de pren­sa en medios inter­na­cio­na­les y gru­pos de apo­yo y soli­da­ri­dad con Eus­kal Herria son las herra­mien­tas para exten­der la denun­cia del jui­cio y sen­ten­cia que con­cul­ca los dere­chos civi­les y polí­ti­cos para este pueblo.

Comu­ni­ca­do de la Izquier­da Aber­tza­le ante la sentencia

Sen­ten­cia del caso Bateragune

Artícu­lo de Gara

Comu­ni­ca­do de Eus­kal Herria­ren Lagu­nak de Argentina

Comu­ni­ca­do de Eus­kal Herria­ren Lagu­nak de Alemania

Comu­ni­ca­do del Comi­té de Soli­da­ri­dad con Eus­kal Herria de Lille

Comu­ni­ca­do difun­di­do por Eus­kal Herria­ren Lagu­nak de Londres

L’Etat espag­nol tou­jours en gue­rre con­tre la gau­che indé­pen­dan­tis­te basque! 

Le comi­té soli­da­ri­té bas­que de Lille dénon­ce ces con­dam­na­tions con­tres des mili­tants ayant espri­mé des options poli­ti­ques publiques.

Des mili­tants bas­ques lour­de­ment con­dam­nés à Madrid

« La jus­ti­ce espag­no­le » a con­dam­née ven­dre­di le por­te paro­le bas­que Arnal­do Ote­gi à 10 ans de pri­son pour ten­ta­ti­ve de recons­ti­tu­tion en 2009 de la direc­tion de Bata­su­na, par­ti indé­pen­dan­tis­te inter­dit, con­si­dé­ré par l’État espag­nol com­me le bras poli­ti­que de l’E­TA. (Eus­ka­di Ta Aska­ta­su­na orga­ni­sa­tion socia­lis­te révo­lu­tion­nai­re bas­que de libé­ra­tion nationale).

Arnal­do Ote­gi est en pri­son pré­ven­ti­ve depuis octo­bre 2009. Il avait été inter­pe­llé le 13 octo­bre 2009, avec qua­tre autres mili­tants bas­ques sou­pçon­nés d’a­voir ten­té de recons­ti­tuer la direc­tion de l’organisation indé­pen­dan­tis­te de gau­che Batasuna.
Le lea­der indé­pen­dan­tis­te bas­que le plus emblé­ma­ti­que de ces quin­ze der­niè­res années avait expli­qué lors de son pro­cès en juin 2011 avoir mis en pla­ce la pla­te­for­me nom­mée « Bate­ra­gu­ne » (union natio­na­le) avec d’autres mem­bres de la gau­che aber­tza­le, afin de trou­ver une issue paci­fi­que et démo­cra­ti­que au con­flit basque.

Par­mi les autres mili­tants inter­pe­llées se trou­ve aus­si le secré­tai­re géné­ral du syn­di­cat indé­pen­dan­tis­te LAB, Rafael Diez Usa­bia­ga, l’u­ne des figu­res his­to­ri­ques de la gau­che indé­pen­dan­tis­te, éga­le­ment con­dam­né à dix ans de pri­son par le tri­bu­nal d’exception, l’Au­dien­ce natio­na­le, prin­ci­pa­le ins­tan­ce péna­le espagnole.
Deux autres mili­tan­tes arrê­tées ce jour-là, Sonia Jacin­to et Miren Zaba­le­ta et Patxi Zaba­le­ta ont été con­dam­nées ven­dre­di à huit ans de prison.

Bata­su­na est inter­dit en Espag­ne depuis 2003, en rai­son de ses liens sup­po­sé avec ETA, Ote­gi a été l’un des prin­ci­paux arti­sans du pro­ces­sus de négo­cia­tions avor­té de 2006 – 2007 entre le gou­ver­ne­ment espag­nol et l’ETA

Lille le 16 sep­tem­bre 2011

The Spa­nish Natio­nal Court has sen­ten­ced Ote­gi and Diez (who is on bail) to ten years of pri­son each, Miren Zaba­le­ta, Arkaitz Rodri­quez and Sonia Jacin­to to eight years each.

This new judi­cial attack has to be unders­tood in the current situa­tion as an attack on the ongoing pro­cess and as an attempt to put obs­ta­cles for its deve­lop­ment. This pro­cess is uns­top­pa­ble and this kind of juri­di­cal actua­tion can only be unders­tood as an attempt to slow down its deve­lop­ment, trying to wea­ken the Aber­tza­le Left and intro­du­cing juri­di­cal affai­res on the poli­ti­cal arena.

The Pea­ce Pro­cess has to over­co­me the current uni­la­te­ral pha­se and beco­me mul­ti­la­te­ral to allow further steps towards poli­ti­cal nor­ma­li­sa­tion. We unders­tand that two main issues have to be dealt with; the lega­li­za­tion of the Aber­tza­le Left, enabling it to carry out all its poli­ti­cal acti­vity and con­se­quently, the ces­sa­tion of all per­se­cu­tion and repres­sion against its acti­vists. On the other hand, we call for the urgent deac­ti­va­tion of the cruel pri­son policy currently applied to Bas­que poli­ti­cal prisoners.

We call on all actors to get invol­ved in the con­so­li­da­tion and deve­lop­ment of the new pha­se ope­ned in our country to achie­ve a full demo­cra­tic sta­ge of rights and free­doms, as well as the free exchan­ge of ideas and projects.

The Bate­ra­gu­ne case

On Octo­ber 9th, 2009, Spa­nish Poli­ce arres­ted 10 mem­bers of the Aber­tza­le Left in the Bas­que Country. The Spa­nish Govern­ment accu­sed them of follo­wing ETA ́s orders to alle­gedly re-cons­truct Bata­su­na, but soon dif­fe­rent Bas­que par­ties and the Aber­tza­le Left denoun­ced that this group of peo­ple had been pre­pa­ring the basis for an impor­tant deba­te, a new oppor­tu­nity for pea­ce. A deba­te about the stra­tegy the Aber­tza­le left nee­ded to deve­lop for the future.

They were put on trial from June 27th to July 7th of this year. The Spa­nish Government’s accu­sa­tion was based on the inter­pre­ta­tion of docu­ments by poli­ce ins­pec­tors con­si­de­red to be experts regar­ding the Aber­tza­le Left’s stra­tegy and his­tory. This was the only evi­den­ce pre­sen­ted by Govern­ment. As had hap­pe­ned in the trea­son trials in South Afri­ca against the Afri­can Natio­nal Con­gress, the only ele­ment of proof was the ideo­lo­gi­cal bias of poli­ce offi­cers and their one-sided inter­pre­ta­tion of docu­ments by “Secu­ro­crat” ele­ments of the Spa­nish Govern­ment through the Prosecution.

Just as it was fifty years ago in South Afri­ca, any docu­ment was seen as a “com­mu­nist cons­pi­racy”, right now in the Spa­nish Sta­te the­re is a “terro­rist cons­pi­racy” behind any docu­ment or orga­ni­sa­tion. We must high­light that the Court refu­sed the pre­sen­ce of seve­ral diver­se natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal wit­nes­ses who would have tes­ti­fied about the deba­te that the accu­sed were carrying out within the Aber­tza­le Left.

During the initial trial the accu­sed accep­ted that they were part of a group of peo­ple who had been pre­pa­ring the basis for a stra­te­gic deba­te that the Aber­tza­le Left under­took, in spi­te of their arrests, in the follo­wing months. This deba­te was public and its con­se­quen­ces are well known. The Aber­tza­le Left has opted for an exclu­si­vely poli­ti­cal and demo­cra­tic stra­tegy and ETA has uni­la­te­rally decla­red a per­ma­nent, gene­ral and inter­na­tio­nally veri­fia­ble cease-fire.

The Aber­tza­le Left pre­sen­ted Sor­tu as a poli­ti­cal party that rejects vio­len­ce, and Bil­du (an elec­to­ral coali­tion for­med by Eus­ko Alkar­ta­su­na, Alter­na­ti­ba and Aber­tza­le-left inde­pen­dents) which obtai­ned 315.000 votes and beca­me the second lar­gest poli­ti­cal for­ce in the Bas­que Country.



Nue­va­men­te el régi­men fas­cis­toi­de espa­ñol ha saca­do a relu­cir lo peor de su esen­cia al inten­tar que­brar con cár­cel y más repre­sión las ansias de liber­tad e inde­pen­den­cia del pue­blo vasco.

La Audien­cia Nacio­nal fran­quis­ta cree que con­de­nan­do a los por­ta­do­res de un men­sa­je de paz, a los hace­do­res ‑jun­to con la gran mayo­ría de Eus­kal Herria- del camino que paso a paso se está reco­rrien­do hoy, se pue­de que­brar esa ini­cia­ti­va. En ese sen­ti­do, Zapa­te­ro y Rajoy, el Ejér­ci­to y la Coro­na bor­bó­ni­ca here­da­da del dic­ta­dor Fran­co, no son dis­tin­tos a Netan­yahu y los uni­for­ma­dos sio­nis­tas que ate­rro­ri­zan ‑pero no ven­cen- con sus bom­bas al pue­blo palestino.

Unos en Medio Orien­te y otros en la Euro­pa del capi­tal, pre­ten­den tapar el bos­que con un dedo auto­ri­ta­rio, pero no se dan cuen­ta que ni envian­do a todos y todas las vas­cas al cala­bo­zo logra­rán aho­gar el gri­to liber­ta­rio que recla­ma Inde­pen­den­cia y Socia­lis­mo para sacu­dir­se las cade­nas de la intolerancia.

Arnal­do Ote­gi, Rafa Diez, Arkaitz Rodrí­guez, Miren Zaba­le­ta y Sonia Jacin­to, son jun­to a los más de 700 pre­sos polí­ti­cos vas­cos de hoy, igual a lo que fue el inol­vi­da­ble inde­pen­den­tis­ta cubano José Mar­tí, al que este mis­mo auto­ri­ta­ris­mo espa­ñol qui­so sacar de su camino de lucha envián­do­lo a pri­sión. Mar­tí con su ges­to heroi­co de no doble­gar­se fren­te al inva­sor, ganó la glo­ria. Cuba años des­pués obtu­vo su liber­tad para siempre.

Eus­kal Herria, no lo dude­mos, es un alu­vión impa­ra­ble que arra­sa­rá a su paso con quie­nes tra­ten de impe­dir que su pue­blo se auto­de­ter­mi­ne y derro­te a quie­nes duran­te tan­tos años lo han oprimido.


Bue­nos Aires, 16 sep­tiem­bre 2011

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